Wasatch Business Series: Lunch and Learn – The Millcreek City Center Project
The Wasatch Business Series is hosting a lunch and learn about Millcreek’s City Center project, Millcreek Common.

A few years ago, Millcreek discovered a major fault line that ran through a prime developable space (the highly trafficked area between Richmond St and Highland Drive north of 3300 South), rendering large areas of it undevelopable for building office and retail space. Instead of giving up on the area, the City determined to turn lemons into lemonade by creating a large, attractive community space that would become the new City Center.
The heart of the Millcreek City Center will consist of an open plaza surrounded by retail. The plaza space will be programmed continually throughout the year, which will draw people from all over the region.
Come enjoy food from ChaiYo Thai to Go as you learn about Millcreek’s new City Center and walk the site!