Lucky Spoon Bakery

Delicious Gluten Free Baked Goods
About Lucky Spoon Bakery
Hi, I’m Pam, the founder of Lucky Spoon Bakery, and our company is changing the way people think about gluten-free food.
Gluten-free has always been code for “taste-free” or “you can eat it but you probably won’t like it.”
Until now.
We’ve made gluten-free good … really good, in fact.
With a lifetime of baking and inspired by my gluten-intolerant husband and friends, I set out to re-invent gluten-free. To serve up foods every bit as tasty as their fully glutenized counterparts.
Now we are on a mission to share our gluten-free treats with the world including cookies, cupcakes, muffins, brownies and cakes. From now on, Lucky Spoon Bakery will be synonymous with moist, fresh and delicious. Oh, and gluten-free, too.
We invite you to give them a try. At first, you may be motivated by the gluten-free part. But we think you’ll be back for more – because you can taste the love in every bite.
440 Lawndale Dr
South Salt Lake, UT 84115
Phone: (801) 824-0624
Gluten free baked goods including cookies, muffins, and cupcakes in delicious flavors.
Pam Schulte